Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Peter R. Aikman
2009-03-01 18:37:06
I agree. This subject is far from being exhausted. If we were to elaborate on each war crime committed by the Russians, Poles, Czechs and others against the Germans during combat in and the Expulsion from the East, we would be busy for months! And now we have the spectacle of poor Erika Steinbach being harassed, libeled and pilloried and the sovereign country of Germany being harangued for daring to entertain an internal question of who should be on the board of the Center Against Expulsion. The Poles know full well that the Center was the idea and creation of Ms. Steinbach and that she has the complete support of the German expellees themselves. If the German government had raised a ruckus, as it should have, over the deflamatory and liablous statements from the Kaczynski twins there would have been a steady stream of accusations of meddling in internal affairs from Warsaw. But, of course, the playing field for negotiations between Poland and Germany can never be even. Best regards to everyone!

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